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A Trip to Prigen

Kamis, Mei 29, 2008 2 komentar

Well...it's  thursday...
Is it too late if I ask you about your last weekend?? Hemm... hope you had a great time, just like me...

I've just come back from a trip in Prigen. This trip was held by ULC (Ubaya Language Center). I was very excited about this trip...yes because last year I couldn't come...

At first, I didn't know that ULC organized this agenda because I haven't come to ULC since the beginning of April. But fortunately, a staff or an officer in ULC met me when I walked near ubaya supermarket and he told me about this trip.

There were about 45 participants, 5 staff in ULC and 4 Americans. When we were on the way to Prigen, I saw nothing but houses, hahhaa... nothing's special...

We started aour trip at 8.20 am and arrived at the villa in Prigen at about 9.50 am. Then we chose our own room. Each room has its own bath and toilet...cool...isn't it?? I think this villa is a good one.

I had a great time there. I got many new friends. I could practice english with friends and the Americans...hehe... and they were kind. David, Jessica, Lindsey and Doug were so kind. David is 24 years old. I asked him if he had an account at friendster so we can keep in touch... He said that he felt like he had seen me before the trip in EEC. But I guess it's not me that he saw because I've never been in EEC and I don't know where it is. ^^

Lindsey was a funny girl. Hemm... I don't know her age exactly, maybe between 24 and 26 years old. She made some funny voices and actions with her eyes. And Jessica... hemm... she was good, kind. But she spoke so fast that we, I mean the participants had trouble understanding her, so sometimes we lost some points then asked a friend beside us...hahahha...

And Doug... He didn't talk too much but just sat behind the other. But he smiled to everybody, I think he was simple and to the point....only my opinion...hehheh...

And these are my pics with them.
Picture 1 (Lindsey, me, Jessica)

Picture 2 (Mr Gaspar, Dewi, Jessica, Doug, me)

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Kejadian di Baratajaya

3 komentar

Tadi siang ada kejadian lucu. Sepulang dari kampuz jam 14.00, kira-kira dekat barata jaya di depan bemo yang ku naiki ada seorang cewek naik sepeda dengan rambut panjang hampir sepinggang, ikal dan diwarna coklat muda dan digerai, maksudku ngga diikat gitu. Perawakannya kecil, imut-imut gitu deh…

Cewek ini pake baju kaos putih tipis dengan lengan yang sangat pendek, dan celana pendek warna coklat muda di atas lutut. Heemmm… siang-siang gitu tahan banget tuh cewek. Dia bersepeda dengan santai gitu.

Berhubung ini terjadi sewaktu matahari sedang panas-panasnya, jam 2an gitu..otomatis tiap mata ngelihat ni cewek misalnya aja montir bengkel di simpang baratajaya yang masih muda-muda kira-kira sma gitu. Aku liat ada 4 karyawan bengkel yang ngelihat ni cewe sambil senyam-senyum sampai menghilang di balik bemo…hahahhaa…

Supir bemoku juga ngelihat nih cewek sampai celinguk gitu, mo lihat wajahnya kali…hahaha…

Berhubung ni cewek di depan bemoku, aku ngga bisa lihat mukanya…tapi tiba-tiba tuh cewek noleh ke samping en aku bisa lihat ternyata tuh cewek ngga muda lagi, keliatan dari wajahnya, kira-kira umur 30 gitu…hahahha…. Muka ngga bisa boong…. Wkwkkwk…

Teruz pas sampe di persimpangan bratang, ni cewek teteup menyita perhatian. Aku lihat pada pengendara sepeda motor yang biasa berjejer di paling depan pas lampu merah mukanya mengarah ke ni cewek semua. Jadi aku ngelihat cuma helm-helm mereka doank…hahaha…

Gimana ngga menyita perhatian coba. Siang-siang gitu pake kaos tipis, celana pendek, rambut hampir sepinggang ngga diikat, ikal dan berwarna coklat muda. Mungkin yang paling menyita perhatian duluan itu rambutnya itu, emang mengembang gitu, baru creambath kali...hahaha....

Aku jadi ketawa sendiri di dalam bemo... si supir bemo kayanya tau deh aku lagi ngetawain apa, hahaha.... ngga apa-apa deh refreshing dikit... wkkwkwkwk

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Iseng seng seng

Senin, Mei 19, 2008 0 komentar

Preview setelah hari ini ...
I wanna say to...

    Bwt Jeb** : You've made a good decision... U go girl...

    Bwt Dit* : Emang ada brownies rasa cinta???

    Bwt Ben** : Untung ngga jd new rumour n hope u r the right choice 4 meh...

    Bwt Lis* : See u thiz august...

    Bwt Jabe** : Hidup kastil band.. ^o^

    Bwt Arm* : Ngga marah kan I dun care about inter...whuehhehe...

    Bwt Dew* : Ridiculous

    Bwt Deb** : Sorry I can't

    Bwt Ko Wil*** : Kata nenek ati-ati klo dah kangen... :p

    Bwt Ce Fer* : Yang udah di Bandung lupa Sby ne...

    Bwt P* : Calam dr win2

    Bwt Ted** : Can I have your 88rps again?? :p

    Bwt Na* : Kangennnnn....

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All in My Mind

Minggu, Mei 18, 2008 0 komentar

What a hectic day!

I've done enough work for today. I was just arrived at home at 8.00 pm. And now I am here, sitting in front of my comp, doing my homework as usual, sometimes chatting and of course updating this blog...

I had many things on my mind these days. Yeeaa..many things... I am confused now 'coz I just can't decide who my partner is... I mean for my research on the 8th semestres later. I have a bit problem with a friend of mine concerning this research.  :(

I just don't know what to decide. Is she the right choice for me?? Or is he the right partner for me?? My God... help me... Then, I am thingking about my last task..huhuu... anyone can help me??

I was also wondering about something but I just don't know how to find out... Yeahh I don't know at all... I don't know if I can discuss that.

After all that we've been through... I want it all back... my days with smile with you all...


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Kekalahan Tim Thomas Indonesia 2008

Jumat, Mei 16, 2008 0 komentar


Duh kecewa ne Tim Thomas Indonesia kalah 3-0 dari Korea. Hikss..

Aku berharap bgt Tim Thomas Indonesia bisa menang seperti Tim Uber kemarin...
Tapi ternyata oh ternyata...supporter yang meneriaki Indonesia di istora ngga cukup bwt memompa semangat Tim Thomas...sepertinya mereka tadi ngga terlalu semangat, cepet menyerah, putus asa n perjuangannya kurang maksimal...

Ngga kaya Tim Uber kemarin semangat banget menghabisi tim lawan sampe 3-1.
Apalagi mengingat Tim Thomas udah berpengalaman gitu..

Taufik Hidayat awalnya maen bagus cuma setelah itu ngga terlalu memukau..yang aku liat menjelang kekalahannya seperti menyerah gitu dan shuttlecock terakhir yang bikin dia kalah seperti dibiarin aja... aku kecewa bgt...

Memalukan sebenarnya berhubung maennya di kandang sendiri di mana banyak supporter yang teruz meneriaki Indonesia terus-menerus. Tapi sekarang bisa apa lagi, Korea selatan udah mastiin mereka maju ke final sementara kita cuma nonton mereka di kandang...
Entah kapan masa keemasan badminton Indonesia bisa muncul lagi...

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